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  • Vote on the clanlist dail to help our unit grow https://clanlist.io/vote/paramarines
  • Recent operations have reached over 50 attending members!
  • Unit leaders meet with command every other Wednesday!
  • Field Training Excercises on Saturdays 8pm Eastern!
  • Main Operations Sundays 8pm Eastern!
  • Interested in supporting server costs? patreon.com/paramarinetaskforce
  • We are the Paramarines

    Submit your application below and send us a message in discord #find-a-recruiter!
    Join Now

    We are the Paramarines

    Submit your application below and send us a message in discord #find-a-recruiter!
    Join Now

    We are the Paramarines

    Submit your application below and send us a message in discord #find-a-recruiter!
    Join Now

    All Activity

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    1. Today
    2. until
      PSO - Recon Operation
    3. Yesterday
    4. until
      Paramarine Recruit Training
    5. Last week
    6. until
      1st Platoon 4th Squad Training
    7. until
      1st Platoon 2nd Squad Training
    8. until
      3rd Platoon Squad Training
    9. until
      1st Platoon 3rd Squad Training
    10. until
      Marine Aircraft Group 36 Training
    11. until
      1st Platoon 1st Squad Training
    12. matth

      Unit Operation

      Unit Operation
    13. matth

      Attendee's Choice

      Attendee's Choice
    14. Earlier
    15. until
      PSO - Recon Operation
    16. until
      Paramarine Recruit Training
    17. until
      3rd Platoon Squad Training
    18. until
      1st Platoon 4th Squad Training
    19. until
      1st Platoon 3rd Squad Training
    20. until
      1st Platoon 2nd Squad Training
    21. until
      Marine Aircraft Group 36 Training
    22. until
      1st Platoon 1st Squad Training
    23. matth

      Unit Operation

      Unit Operation
    24. matth

      Attendee's Choice

      Attendee's Choice
    25. until
      PSO - Recon Operation
    26. until
      Paramarine Recruit Training
    27. until
      Marine Aircraft Group 36 Training
    28. until
      1st Platoon 4th Squad Training
    29. until
      3rd Platoon Squad Training
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