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  • Vote on the clanlist dail to help our unit grow https://clanlist.io/vote/paramarines
  • Recent operations have reached over 50 attending members!
  • Unit leaders meet with command every other Wednesday!
  • Field Training Excercises on Saturdays 8pm Eastern!
  • Main Operations Sundays 8pm Eastern!
  • Interested in supporting server costs? patreon.com/paramarinetaskforce
  • We are the Paramarines

    Submit your application below and send us a message in discord #find-a-recruiter!
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    We are the Paramarines

    Submit your application below and send us a message in discord #find-a-recruiter!
    Join Now

    We are the Paramarines

    Submit your application below and send us a message in discord #find-a-recruiter!
    Join Now
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