The Paramarines were a breed of specialized Marines that existed during WW2. Phased out close to the end of the war, we aim to say "what-if" and place this historic amphibious/airborne unit into a fictional modern setting. Offering a wide range of gameplay experiences, the Paramarine Task Force aims to be a serious, fun, and immersive ARMA 3 MilSim unit.
Recruitment Availability
0311 Rifleman - Infantry [Available]
0311 Rifleman - Designated Marksman [Available, Selective] - Requires Scout Sniper Course (SSC)
Hospital Corpsman [Waitlist, Selective] - Each corpsman is attached to a squad and focuses on administering medical aid.
1834 Amphibious Combat Vehicle Crewmember [Available, Selective] - Join 3rd Platoon as an ACV crewmember.
7503/7505 Pilot [Available, Selective] - Join our Marine Aircraft Group as a rotary-wing or fixed-wing pilot.
0372 Paramarine Special Operator [Available, Highly Selective] - Secondary role gained by attending the PSO selection event.
Available Training Courses
Paramarine Recruit Training (PRT)
Infantry Marine Course (IMC)
Combat Marksmanship Course (CMC)
Military Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT)
Amphibious Warfare Course (AWC)
Assault Marine Course (AMC)
Land Navigation Course (LNC)
Convoy Operations Course (COC)
Radio Communications Course (RCC)
Infantry Small Unit Leadership Course (ISULC)
Machine Gun Training course (MGTC)
Missileman Course (MC)
Scout Sniper Course (SSC)
Sapper School (SAP)
Combat Life Saver (CLS)
Squad Systems Operator Course (SSOC)
Joint Terminal Attack Controller Course (JTACC)
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Nostalgia - Paramarine Task Force | We're Back
Paramarine Task ForceWelcome to MAG36
Paramarine Task ForceLingor Campaign Edit
Paramarine Task ForceCalm Before the Storm - Arma 3 Milsim, Amphibious Film
Paramarine Task ForceHere Comes the Thunder - MAG 36 | Arma 3 Milsim
Paramarine Task ForceMoar Firepower! - Arma 3 Milsim, Armor Film
Paramarine Task ForceCampaign Highgrass - Intro | ArmA III MilSim
Paramarine Task ForceParamarine Task Force 2018 Slideshow #2
E Murry